• Batch Update

    Batch Update.

    User can find Batch Update in Users, Companies & Customer. The Basic purpose for Batch Update is to allow the User to Change the data of a particular Users, Companies & Customer.

    For E.g.: - Let take an Example of all the Tickets Assigned to Agent Mrs. Tracy Alba Now Tracy is no more working with us, so we have to re-assigned all the Tickets Assigned to her that can be done in a jiffy by using Batch Update. I re-assigned to Mrs. Emma Carlos.

    When the Agent will change all & click on save changes the tickets of Tracy Alba will be assigned to Emma Carlos.

    Agent can change the Customer Name & Subject.

    The Unassigned Tickets which does not have “Assignee” will be shown by Default.

    For E.g.: - Let take an Example of all the Tickets Assigned to Company Rel. is Merged with Raj Inc., so we have to re-assigned all the Tickets Assigned to Company Rel. that can be done in a jiffy by using Batch Update. I re-assigned to Company Raj Inc.

    When the Agent will change all & click on save changes the tickets of Company Rel. will be assigned to Company Raj Inc.

    Agent can change the Customer Name & Subject. 

    The Unassigned Tickets which does not have “Assignee” will be shown by Default.

    For E.g.: - Let take an Example of all the Tickets Assigned to Customer James Smith, now Customer James Smith is not working with the same company, so we have to re-assigned all the Tickets Assigned to Customer James Smith. That can be done in a jiffy by using Batch Update. I re-assigned to Customer Frank Joe.

    When the Agent will change all & click on save changes the tickets of Customer James Smith will be assigned to Customer Frank Joe

    Agent can change the Subject & Assignee. 

    The Unassigned Tickets which does not have “Assignee” will be shown by Default.

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