• Bulk Import

    Bulk Import

    Bulk Import allows the User to send a file which contain data to be uploaded in the system.   

    User can send Customer or Companies Data which are to be uploaded in the system.

    Sample file are given for reference of the format to be uploaded.

    File size is fixed to 4 MB per file.

    File can be uploaded in CSV Format.


  • Bulk Update

    Bulk Update

    User has hard time to change details of different Customer every now & then.

    User can update the Customer`(s) details all in 1 place Bulk Update.

    User can navigate to Bulk Update under Customer in Admin Panel.

    User can update the First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Email, Phone Addresses and Notes all at once for 1 Customer & different Customer simultaneously.

    After making the Changes User needs to Click on Save Changes & all the changes made in the Grid will be saved.

  • Editing & Deleting a Customer

    Editing A Customer

    In order to Edit a Customer navigate to Admin Menu ---> Customers tab --> click on Edit for Customer "Ron Shay" & Add Phone "123-456-7890"  & click Update

    Customer is Updated

    Deleting A Customer

    Deleting a Customer & its logic for tickets linked

    In order to Delete a Customer navigate to Admin Menu ---> Customers tab --> click on "Customer Name"  & click on Delete --> message is displayed to Confirm Delete (Yes/No) --> Click Yes to delete the customer & No to cancel.

    For Example:- Ron Shay is the customer to be deleted. There are 2 tickets linked to the Customer Ron  ticket id # 110312 & ticket id # 100158

    Now lets delete Customer Ron Shay

    Click Yes and a message is displayed "Customer have Unresolved tickets. Customer cannot be deleted". Since there are pending tickets linked to the customer it cannot be deleted.

    Lets take another scenario --> We will try to delete customer Ron when the ticket is in Solved Status.

    Now lets delete Customer Ron Shay

    Customer is deleted

  • Editing & Deleting a Company

    Editing A Company

    In order to Edit a Company navigate to Admin Menu ---> Companies tab --> click on Company Name "Upland Software"  and Edit Email Domain "uplandsoftware1.com" & click Update

    Email domain is updated.

    Deleting A Company

    Deleting a Company & its logic for tickets linked

    In order to Edit a Company navigate to Admin Menu ---> Companies tab --> click on Company Name "Smartly"  & click on Delete --> message is displayed to Confirm Delete (Yes/No) once clicked Yes company is deleted.

    For Example:- Lets delete company Smartly

    Here is the list of tickets for Company "Smartly" 

    Deleting the company

    Company is Deleted

    All the Tickets linked to the Company is unlinked from the Company

  • Link/Unlink Company Customers

    As the name says it helps to Link & Unlink Customers from Company

    On Companies page when you click on Link/Unlink Company Customers than you have Link/Unlink window pop up than you have to select Company Name from the drop down --> Select Customer from All Customers tab

    Click on Add --> Customer gets added to Company Customers tab.

    Click on Save Changes --> "Changes saved successfully" message is displayed & Customers are added to Company Customers tab.

    Similarly Unlink Customers from Company

  • Display Companies/Customers

    Display Companies/Customers as name says helps in displaying the Companies & their customers together.

    In Admin Menu --> Customers --> When you click on Display Companies/Customers than a pop up is displayed with Companies & its Customers.

    Company name have to be expanded to see the linked Customers.

    NOTE:- Customers not linked to any Company will be displayed under "Not Linked to Any Company" For example Customer 1 is not linked to any company so displayed under "Not Linked to Company"

    Companies without any customers will not be displayed on Display Customers/Companies grid

     Company name "Wonderful" is displayed in Companies tab but not displayed in Display Companies/Customers grid because it does not have any customer added.

  • How to Add New Customer

    Adding a New Customer

    Customer are linked to Companies & can be added by navigating to Admin Menu ---> Customers tab --> Companies & click on New Customer 

    Fill in all the mandatory fields first name, last name, Email & Company Name & click Add.

    NOTE:- Company Name by default is "Not Linked to any Company". So the added user is not linked to Any Company. When User selects the company name from the drop down than user gets linked to that Company.

    Customer is added.

  • How to Add New Company

    Add New Company

    Company relates to the Customer Company of AzureDesk. In order to Add Company navigate to Admin Menu ---> Companies tab --> Companies and add Company Name & its Email Domain & click Add

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